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SKU: 120311503180
Sale price30,00 DKK

Talens Ecoline Brush Pen Carmine 318 is based on dyes and Gum arabic. The colors of Talens Ecoline are astonishingly bright and brilliant. If you wish, you can easily decrease the color intensity through thinning with water or with the Brush Pen blender. Store the original works of art in a portfolio for optimal color retention.The concentrated formula of the Talens Ecoline in the Brush Pens ensures for a seamless transition with the Talens Ecoline from the bottles. Using the special Brush Pen blender, colors can be mixed or subdued, and some wonderful wash effects and colour transitions can be created. Forgotten to put the cap back on? A dried brush tip can be easily saved by moistering it with some water.

Royal Talens Ecocline Brush Pen Carmine
Carmine Sale price30,00 DKK

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